Empower victims of domestic violence
with your art + vote by donation for
All submissions are due by Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2020. All entrants must submit images/photos of their artwork along with a short statement explaining how their submission represents the theme “It’s OK to be Safe.”
Apply online – No Entry Fee
Submissions will accepted via email or tagged on Instagram Please contact us with questions regarding submissions at mysafeplaceart@ASafePlace
Artists are encouraged to share the progress of their work via social media using the following hashtags: #MySafePlaceArt #GivingTuesday
MySafePlaceArt Rules and Regulations
Art design may not contain any profanity.
Art design will be judged on creativity and originality which represents the theme “It’s OK to be Safe” and answers the question "What does Being Safe look like to you?"
One entry per person.
1st place = $100 Flax Gift Certificate
2nd place = $50 Flax Gift Certificate
3rd place = $25 Flax Gift Certificate.
Winners will be chosen by an online vote. All decisions of the judges are final.
Entry format accepted:
All art to be submitted digitally online in 300dpi (jpg, png or eps format).
Each entry must contain the contestant’s full name, phone number, e-mail.
Entry deadline is Monday, December 1, 2020.
Winners will be announced by December 20, 2020.
Winners may be required to provide proof of identification to claim their award. No purchase required.
Waiver/ Disclaimer
A Safe Place shall not be subject to any obligation(s) of confidentiality with
respect to any Entries, nor is the A Safe Place liable for any use or disclosure of any Entries. Without limitations of the foregoing, A Safe Place shall be entitled to unrestricted use of the Entries for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to the provider of the Entries or any other person or entity. A Safe Place reserves the right to make changes to or terminate this offer at any time without compensation to the provider of the Entries or any other person or entity related thereto.